Monday, November 27, 2017

Password Verification using a Regular Expression

A student asked me to explain this wonderful regular expression

There are two things you need to understand well, before attempting to determine what this regular expression matches. One is to understand the use of ?= and the other is to understand \\S . Assuming that you can understand the rest of the Regular Expression.

The latter is the easier one to understand. It's trying to represent a non-whitespace character. But, the usual regular expression \S has been preceded with a backslash, since the programming language, Java in this case, expects the backslash to be present as a escape character to subsequent \S

So, the more regular, regular expression would be
Now, let's understand ?=

The technical term for is ?= "Positive Lookahead". It basically means that the string "should contain the specified set of characters, but they are not consumed". In simple terms, this is used to validate if a string contains any of the set of characters we are interested in, irrespective of their order or location in the string. Thus, (?=.*[0-9]) matches any string that has zero or more occurrences of any character followed by a digit. In much simpler terms, we expect the string to contain a digit.

So, to understand the entire regular expression, we need to first break down into smaller chunks. You will notice that there are 5 sets of "positive lookahead" blocks. If we eliminate them, we are left with
This matches a string that has atleast 6 characters. The below table should help you visualise this better.
    • String Type String Result
      Six Spaces PASS
      Six Digits 123456 PASS
      Six Alphabets abcdef PASS
      Six Upper case ABCDEF PASS
      Six Special #$%^&+ PASS
      Alphanumeric abc456 PASS
      Alpha Upper numeric abCD56 PASS
      With space ab D56 PASS
      With Space and Special a C+56 PASS
      All types a2C$eF PASS
      Seven Characters a2C&eF7 PASS

Now, let's add the first "positive lookahead" block
This matches a string that has atleast 6 characters. It also validates that the string also has atleast one digit, as is mentioned in the first "positive lookahead" block. The below table should help you visualise this better.
    • String Type String Result
      Six Spaces FAIL
      Six Digits 123456 PASS
      Six Alphabets abcdef FAIL
      Six Upper case ABCDEF FAIL
      Six Special #$%^&+ FAIL
      Alphanumeric abc456 PASS
      Alpha Upper numeric abCD56 PASS
      With space ab D56 PASS
      With Space and Special a C+56 PASS
      All types a2C$eF PASS
      Seven Characters a2C&eF7 PASS

Now, let's add the second "positive lookahead" block
This matches a string that has atleast 6 characters. It also validates that the string also has meets "all" the following conditions.
  • atleast one digit, as is mentioned in the first "positive lookahead" block
  • atleast one small case alphabet as mentioned in the second "positive lookahead" block
The below table should help you visualise this better.
    • String Type String Result
      Six Spaces FAIL
      Six Digits 123456 FAIL
      Six Alphabets abcdef FAIL
      Six Upper case ABCDEF FAIL
      Six Special #$%^&+ FAIL
      Alphanumeric abc456 PASS
      Alpha Upper numeric abCD56 PASS
      With space ab D56 PASS
      With Space and Special a C+56 PASS
      All types a2C$eF PASS
      Seven Characters a2C&eF7 PASS

Similarly, let's add the third "positive lookahead" block
This matches a string that has atleast 6 characters. It also validates that the string also has meets "all" the following conditions.
  • atleast one digit, as is mentioned in the first "positive lookahead" block
  • atleast one small case alphabet as mentioned in the second "positive lookahead" block
  • atleast one upper case alphabet as mentioned in the third "positive lookahead" block
The below table should help you visualise this better.
    • String Type String Result
      Six Spaces FAIL
      Six Digits 123456 FAIL
      Six Alphabets abcdef FAIL
      Six Upper case ABCDEF FAIL
      Six Special #$%^&+ FAIL
      Alphanumeric abc456 FAIL
      Alpha Upper numeric abCD56 PASS
      With space ab D56 PASS
      With Space and Special a C+56 PASS
      All types a2C$eF PASS
      Seven Characters a2C&eF7 PASS

Now, let's add the fourth "positive lookahead" block
This matches a string that has atleast 6 characters. It also validates that the string also has meets "all" the following conditions.
  • atleast one digit, as is mentioned in the first "positive lookahead" block
  • atleast one small case alphabet as mentioned in the second "positive lookahead" block
  • atleast one upper case alphabet as mentioned in the third "positive lookahead" block
  • atleast one special character as mentioned in the fourth "positive lookahead" block
The below table should help you visualise this better.
    • String Type String Result
      Six Spaces FAIL
      Six Digits 123456 FAIL
      Six Alphabets abcdef FAIL
      Six Upper case ABCDEF FAIL
      Six Special #$%^&+ FAIL
      Alphanumeric abc456 FAIL
      Alpha Upper numeric abCD56 FAIL
      With space ab D56 FAIL
      With Space and Special a C+56 PASS
      All types a2C$eF PASS
      Seven Characters a2C&eF7 PASS

Finally, let's add the fifth "positive lookahead" block
This matches a string that has atleast 6 characters. It also validates that the string also has meets "all" the following conditions.
  • atleast one digit, as is mentioned in the first "positive lookahead" block
  • atleast one small case alphabet as mentioned in the second "positive lookahead" block
  • atleast one upper case alphabet as mentioned in the third "positive lookahead" block
  • atleast one special character as mentioned in the fourth "positive lookahead" block
  • should not have a space character as mentioned in the fifth "positive lookahead" block
The below table should help you visualise this better.
    • String Type String Result
      Six Spaces FAIL
      Six Digits 123456 FAIL
      Six Alphabets abcdef FAIL
      Six Upper case ABCDEF FAIL
      Six Special #$%^&+ FAIL
      Alphanumeric abc456 FAIL
      Alpha Upper numeric abCD56 FAIL
      With space ab D56 FAIL
      With Space and Special a C+56 FAIL
      All types a2C$eF PASS
      Seven Characters a2C&eF7 PASS

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

[Solved] Python Quiz : 001

I came across a very simple Python Quiz question in a newsgroup, so thought about expanding on that.

Assuming, you are attending an interview and this question is asked. What would be your answer ?

[ Remember : you need to give this answer from memory and not by trying out this code :-) ]

>>> def foo(num) : print num; return num
>>> foo(5) * foo(1) * foo(2)
>>> foo(5) ** foo(1) ** foo(2)

And, as in any good interview, you are asked to explain your answer as well :-)

Post your answers in the comments below
    • There are two parts to this problem.
      1> Order of the execution of the functions
      2> Order of evaluation of the expression that involves **

      From the example mentioned in the earlier part of the question, its very evident that Python invokes these functions from left to right.

      So, that the expression to evaluate, after the functions return their values, would be
      >>> 5 ** 1 ** 2

      ** or exponentiation is the only operator in Python that is right-associative.

      The reason [ as far as I can understand ] for this behaviour, is that, it is the way it is handled in mathematics as well. It adds confusion only when the programming language, evaluates every other operator using left-association

      This link gives a very good explanation on why right-associativity is preferred :

      >>> 5 ** 1 ** 2
      evaluates as
      >>> 5 ** (1 ** 2)
      >>> 5 ** ( 1 )
      >>> 5

      CONGRATULATIONS !!! to all those who got the result and the explanation right :-)

Monday, July 24, 2017

6 different ways to reverse a string in Python

A lot of interviewers seem to have a fascination for this often asked question :

"How to reverse a string in Python ?"

There are of course, many possible answers for this. Here are some that might come in handy for your understanding and learning.

1. Old School while loop method

>>> x = "hello"
>>> idx = len(x)
>>> rev = list()
>>> while idx > 0:
...         rev.append( x[idx-1] )
...         idx -= 1
>>> print ''.join(rev)

2. Using Python's reversed function with a for loop

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Curious Case of Python String Slicing

We were studying about Python strings and we tried to understand Python String Slicing through an example. We found a very strange [at least at first look] result when we tried to use String Slicing for creating a copy of the string.

To better understand the scenario and the result, lets start with the basics of integers and lists w.r.t to slicing.

>>> m = 10         # Integer m initialised to 10
>>> n = m           # Another integer n storing the same value as in m
>>> print m, n
10 10

>>> id(m), id(n)
( 140204825415168 , 140204825415168 ) # <-- Both are of the same id
A variable name in Python, is a "tag" name associated with a memory location.
In the above scenario, when we initialised variable m, Python associated a tag name m with memory location [ 140204825415168 ] ( For this discussion, assume that id represents memory location )

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Why Tuples, when Python already has Lists ?

One of my student, very pertinently asked me, "Why do we need Tuples, when we already have a data structure called list ? Tuples are almost same like Lists, except that they are immutable. So, what's such a big deal about being immutable ?"

This question, inspired me to write this post and add some clarity on when to prefer "Tuples" over "Lists" in Python. I am assuming that the basic understanding of what a Tuple is and what a List is more or less understood by the reader, but is not able to decide which one to choose over the other. I intend to concentrate more on situations when it would make more [ programming ? ] sense to use "Tuples" rather than "Lists" to help answer the question.

Few distinctions between "Tuple" and "Lists" are :

  1. List is a data structure for storing and manipulating a collection of items. Tuple is not a data structure in the same sense, even though it helps to store a collection of items.
  2. Lists, by convention are used for storing collection of items that are of the same types [ homogeneous ]. Where as Tuples, by convention are used for storing collection of items that are of different types [ heterogeneous ]. Beware that this is only a coding style preference and the language as such does not support any such restriction.
  3. Individual items in a List can be modified and updated. Tuples are immutable, and thus its individual items cannot be modified or updated.
  4. The number of methods supported in a List are much more than those for a Tuple, since Lists allow us to manipulate its collection of items and thus need a lot more methods to support those manipulations.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1440

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week.

History of OpenSource

City of Turin decides to replace Windows with Linux
Understanding LogRotate
Using systemd
Teaching Linux to kids

Monday, September 1, 2014

Linux Weekly NewsBytes : 1437

Here is a list of the latest, most happening events and news items from the Linux World. Keep reading to find out what's making the most noise around Linux this week.

Useful CLI Tools For Linux Sys Admins

A Complete Beginner's Guide to Linux
Choosing a Linux Desktop
Elementary OS's Pantheon Desktop Review
Krita Photo Editor
Network Admin's master tool : netstat
systemd 261 released